
Akirun stool : Olamilekan Alkadiri is he who the cap fits

Call him a goal getter, a trailblazer or an achiever, you will not be mistaken as all of these qualities exemplified the personality of the new Akirun of Ikirun elect, Oba Olamilekan Alkadiri.

Describe Olamilekan as a child of destiny and you won’t be making a mistake, because the journey of this dude through life suggests nothing other than the fact that Olamilekan is one who is covered by uncommon grace and his path directed from above.


Having received divine grace to know which field of endeavor to toe, Olamilekn heeded and followed this path, not leaving behind necessary attitude to work like commitment, diligence, hardwork. And with his God blessed ability to see ahead, he was able to plan for future and thankfully, all that are now in fruition such that Olamilekan is nothing short of successful as an established contractor.

Meanwhile, anyone who is close to him will readily attest to Olamilekan’s penchant for Godly things that has enabled him made his relationship with his creator a priority. He observes tenets of Islam to the letters that he has zero tolerance for drinking, smoking or whatever Islam tags as immorality. On the other side however, he embraces all that is commanded by the Holy Quran that an Islamic faithful should do. This explains why he’s dedicated to giving and making impact in the life of whoever he comes across, the Lazarus of the society. As a matter of fact, Olamilekan pays attention and commits his resources to catering for the welfare of the needy.

Interestingly, Olamilekan is not one whose gesture fetches appreciation only by outsiders, so despite residing in Abuja, he does not joke with touching lives of his people back in Ikirun.

His good nature and admirable disposition to life are all that worked I his favor that he was supported to make a push to occupy the vacant stool of Akirun when it was ceded to the ruling house he comes from.

Olamilekan had a strong contender in another son of his ruling house, Dr Adeyemi, a man of over 80 years whose success, it is said has no significant impact on his people.

With destiny playing a significant role and his good deed supporting, six out of the seven king makers voted for the candidacy of the 45 years old Olamilekan, thereby emerged the Akirun –elect as announced and ratified by the government of Osun state, ably led by Governor Gboyega Oyetola.

While deliberations are being made regarding the official installation by the government and other stakeholders and well-meaning people, certain disgruntled elements seem not to have made up their mind to start and continue to attack the person of the Akirun –elect by misleading the general public about the personality of the Akirun-elect.

It has been brought to the knowledge of the handlers of the Akinrun-elect various hatchet publications being peddled to soil Olamilekan’s image. Its rather interesting these attacks have hit bricks walls even as those who can read in between the line are of the view that those behind the futile attacks are only wasting their time, as they are described as people flagging down a train that has since left the station. And disregarding the attacks, those with discerning mind say Olamilekan, the Akirun –elect is man who God has bless that no one can curse.

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